Dear Client: We have been hard at work getting our office ready for you and we look forward to welcoming you! Telephone appointments remain an option!
Statement from Social Security Commissioner Andrew Saul
Statement from Social Security Commissioner Andrew Saul about COVID-19 Economic Impact Payments for Beneficiaries Social Security Covid-19 Info
Government Closure? What about my hearing?
As of right now, December 21, 2018, it looks like the government shut down will commence this evening, 6 PM California time. If you are scheduled for an ALJ hearing during the shutdown, we are advised by personnel at the hearings offices that all hearings will be conducted. The judges are considered “essential personnel” and […]
Assessing the Safety Risk of Mental Illness
Social Security Attorney Joshua Potter and Karen Fukutaki M.D. presented at the NOSSCR national conference in San Francisco in October. Their topic was how to assess the safety risk associated with different forms of mental illness. Joshua Potter presented cases to Dr. Fukutaki based upon real life problems. Dr. Fukutaki underscored that there is always […]
The Disability Rights Community & Disability Issues in a Global Context
Pasadena Social Security attorney Joshua Potter was a guest lecturer for Professor Kim’s California State University, Los Angeles, graduate class on September 18, 2018. The 31 students in her Introduction to Rehabilitation and Case Management were engaged interested and lost track of time. The topic of the day was “The Disability Rights Community & Disability Issues […]